Top 6 Worst Clutter Hot Spots In Your Home

Do you ever feel like you're constantly surrounded by clutter? If so, you're not alone. Clutter is one of the biggest problems that people face in their homes. Keeping your home clean and organized can be hard when so many things take up space. This blog post will discuss the top 10 worst clutter hotspots in the home. We will also provide tips on decluttering these areas and creating more space for yourself!


The kitchen is often one of the worst clutter hotspots in the home, especially if you don't have enough storage space. If your kitchen is cluttered, it can be hard to find what you need when cooking or baking. It can also make the space feel smaller and more cramped than it is. To declutter your kitchen, start by removing any appliances or cookware you don't use. Then, organize your pantry and cupboards so that everything has a designated spot. Finally, invest in additional storage solutions like shelves or baskets to help keep things tidy.

Living Room

The living room can quickly become cluttered with too many toys, games, and books. If you have children, it can be difficult to keep the space tidy. However, there are a few things you can do to declutter your living room. First, keep toys in one area of the room, so they're not scattered everywhere. Second, consider investing in a storage ottoman or toy chest to keep things organized. Finally, ensure to put away any games or books when you're finished using them.


The bedroom can be messy if you don't have enough closet space or drawer organizers. If your bedroom is cluttered, it can be hard to relax and get a good night's sleep. To declutter your bedroom, start by removing any clothes or shoes you don't wear. Then, organize your closet so that everything has a designated spot. Finally, invest in drawer organizers or storage bins to help keep things tidy.


The bathroom can be cluttered with toiletries and products that don't have a designated spot. If your bathroom is cluttered, it can be hard to find what you need when you're getting ready in the morning. To declutter your bathroom, start by removing any products you don't use. Then, organize your toiletries and makeup so that everything has a designated spot. Finally, invest in additional storage solutions like shelves or baskets to help keep things tidy.


The garage is often full of unused tools, old furniture, and holiday decorations. Finding what you need when working on a project can be difficult if your garage is cluttered. To declutter your garage, start by removing any tools or equipment you don't use. Then, organize your remaining items so that everything has a designated spot. Finally, invest in additional storage solutions like shelves or bins to help keep things tidy.


The attic is often crammed with boxes of memories from years past. If your attic is cluttered, it can be difficult to find what you need when you're looking for something specific. To declutter your attic, start by removing any items you don't need or use. Then, organize your remaining items so that everything has a designated spot. Finally, invest in additional storage solutions like shelves or bins to help keep things tidy.

If you are looking for a junk removal company in your area to help you clean out these clutter hot spots, give 911 Junk Out a call today! You can reach us at 703-474-1271 or visit our website:

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